“The Messengers” (One Man Show) by Sir Ervin Williams III
The Messengers Overview
“The Messengers” is a compelling story told in the form of monologues, music, and poetry. The story begins with Taharqa, a great pharaoh from Africa who was also known as the “Last Great Pharaoh.” Taharqa is awakened by a premonition of what is to come of his great land. When he realizes the inevitable, he immediately forges a plan to cast a spell to send messengers to the future. These messengers are charged with the task of warning other Africans of what the future holds for their civilization. These messengers come back in the form of Nat Turner, Washington, Uncle Wright, Martin Luther King Jr., among other great individuals. This one-man show will be presented by Sir Ervin Williams III and it will teach the resilience of the African American spirit throughout history.
Pharaoh Taraqa
“I’ve built Pyramids in Egypt and made them homes for loss souls. Brought back broken bones and placed them upon Africa’s throne.” -Pharaoh Taraqa
Nat Turner
“I might be, “America”, the fabric you might as well say. That fine piece of thread that holds this quilt of confusion together. That little dirty American secret. I AM A SLAVE.” Nat Turner
Walter Lee
“What happens to a dream differed? Does it dry up like a Raisin in the Sun?”
Earl Nathaniel Walker
“In my hands, I will dismiss all your thoughts of power! All your thoughts of negativity and all your thoughts of creativity. That illusion of power, that you’ve been keeping my people binding with, has been leak to my body’s first spirit, and I am NO LONGER WEAK!”- Earl Walker
Uncle Wright, “Emmett Till’s Uncle”
“I’m sorry Emmett. I was supposed to protect you. AND I DID NOT! I pray God forgive me, for making you history. ”