Excerpt from Mr. Duplicity by Sir Ervin Williams

Black Boy Trauma “Trigger Warning”    

It feels like the pain of losing a child

Yearly, around the holidays

Memories will collapse into your lap

Take the form of bullets

Penetrate your childhood

Recreate sentences that broke you

Shattered your feelings on the floor

Forces you to make the same decisions

Inheriting generations of bad choices

Passing down, “Tradition,” to your children

Like this is the way to live

Here is Grandpa’s knife

Use it!

Stab your brother in the face

We never go for thier back

“We’re real gangsta’s around here!”

Make him feel like Grandma’s hands

Blocking punches, to save her children

Her daughters virtue, always means more punches

More kicks.

More hate towards her daughters!

How dare they be so pretty?

This life has to be right, Right?

 Mama scolding children with violence on her tongue

Daddy absences were felt, and expected

Gangsta’s don’t have a heart, right?

Why couldn’t my sisters not be harmed?

Why did the touch of cousins linger?

Imprinted self-doubt into the skin

Imprinted insecurities through life

Imprinted habits that can’t be shaken

Transformed Memories into Nightmares

 Why did I witness evil, in the corridors of my innocence?

When I closed my eyes

I dreamed in terror

I’ve made decisions out of survival

This Can’t BE LIFE!



This is REAL!


I would be a liar if I said,

I didn’t find happiness

In the darkness

Where I found myself.

I planted a seed

I prayed over it

Wished it well

I begged me to forgive me

I begged God to forgive it

Screamed at him to fogive us!

How dare he forget me here?

Forgive me God, please.

Tears have a way of saying my truth

Saying how I feel

When I feel it,

But I’m a boy, I am not supposed to feel, right?

 I often missed its watering’s

I forgot to give it sun

I sporadically gave it air

Neglected it a few summers

I swore I would come back

Intact and whole again

Love the boy I left in the corners crying

Forgive him for being silent for so long

Nurture him with God’s love

Allow him to breathe again

He deserves mercy

He deserves grace

He was a child

His life started out as guilty

He never found a jury of his peers to

Eradicate his innocence

He freed himself

He unbound himself

Bloody, bruised, and battered


Hanging on by a thread

Swinging with everything he got

Feet planted on quicksand

Every time he fight back

He sinks deeper

So he stops fighting

Cause he keeps sinking

Mentally he’s exhausted

Physically he’s abused

Screaming at the noise

Creating more noise

STOP the Noise


 Nothing tangible!

Nothing Real!

Nothing Concreate!

Simply surviving

In pain

In hate

In discontent

In disconnect

In bewilderment

In wonder

In Doubt

Still swinging

Still fighting

Still sinking

But alive


Pretending to be WELL!

“I will be well?”

*Scroll back to the top and read only the words in bold. It’s another poem within this poem. Please leave a comment in the post. Thanks!!!